Water Filter

Ceramic water filters are an inexpensive, easy way to show practical love to underserved communities. By giving a family a water filter, you are providing them with
  • a safe way to guarantee their water is free of bacteria and disease
  • a convenient way to save time trekking to distant communal water wells 
  • reassurance that they will have fresh water readily available to consume, cook and clean 
The Impact of Your Gift
In one nation in Southeast Asia, more than 100,000 children die from waterborne illnesses every year. After distributing 1,000 ceramic water filters to the most vulnerable families in the region, dozens of people turned to Jesus, recognizing the Living Water and His power in their lives. 
After the project, one family shared, “It was hard to find kerosene that wasn’t too expensive to boil contaminated water. Now we don’t have to, and there’s no more smoke in my house because we don’t have to boil our water anymore! At first, I was nervous about using the ceramic water filter, but after I tried it, I had no more health problems. I became convinced it worked. Now, even my neighbors use one!”